Wednesday, November 28, 2012

11/27/12 & 11/28/12

Yesterday we read an article on the case of Dred Scott. He was said to be property while he was a slave so when he and his owners crossed boarders in to a free state, it did not matter. he was still considered a slave because owners are allowed to bring their "property" any where. Dred tried to fight the "once free, always free" point but that did not work. This shows that even if the people do vote for a free state, it doesn't matter because slaves can still come into the state without the slaveholders being penalized. Today we watched a clip of a movie and read multiple articles about the debates between Stephen Douglass and Abraham Lincoln. Lincoln was pretty out right in saying he was against slavery. Douglass takes a different route and doesn't come out right and say he is for slavery. He always recalls what Lincoln said to make it seem like he is the opposite of him, but it can never be proved that he is. He believes in popular sovereignty, so he says that whatever the states want, they can have. But there is still the issue that it doesn't matter if the state is free because slavery can still come into those states. It was also weird to see that Abe said he never thought that blacks would be equal at all. He only believed they were entitled to their natural rights. Everyone always makes out that Abe was so against slavery and wanted blacks to be equal with men but he says in his speech that they never will be.

Monday, November 19, 2012

11/16/12 &11/19/12

On friday we read a long, long, long chapter from the book "Uncle Tom's Cabin" by Harriet Beetrice Stowe. It was hard to understand with the old language adn the slang. The men that are talking don't sound that educated so I found it difficult to read it. We ended class with this and didn't get the chance to talk about it until today. The story was about a women slave who ran away. The slave owner wants her back becasue she can work, she is capable of bearing children, and she is pretty. The men don't want to use dogs to find her becasue they are afraid that the dogs will tear her apart as they saw them do to another runaway. It was clear that this chapter was to show the evils of slavery adn slaveholders. Mrs. Stowe wanted to make people into Abolitions or have them support the anti-slavery. I'm sure she did just that. Some days I don't even tell a joke. I think my three day challenge has changed from talling a joke to making people laugh and laughing myself. I don't feel the need to tell a joke anymore because I find everything funny. Sometimes I just laugh at nothing. Sometimes I laugh when I see peoples faces becasue i'm just so happy to see them. I'm always laughing and I find that I'm so happy all the time.

11/14/12 &11/15/12

On November 14th we talked about the Mexican War. Mexico and the US fought over land. America claimed the land in texas as their own and when they entered and we attacked by mexico they caled it American bloodshed on American soil. It was weird to hear that America had just easily claimed land that didn't even belong to them. On November 15th we went even further into detail of the Mexican War. States were becoming part of the Union as either slave states on free states. They ended up evening each other out so that in the Senate it the ideas were equal. I told my jokes and they make me happier. I actually find that I am in a better mood all the time and it is hard for other people to change that.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

William Lloyd Garrison (recorded)

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

William Lloyd Garrison (written)

Sunday, November 11, 2012

11/8/12 &11/9/12

On Thursday we looked at many different paragraphs from different textbooks about the Underground Railroad. Every paragraph described and explained it differently. Some talked about important people such as Harriet Tubman. Some talk about the stops along the way. And some talk about the slaves that took the passage. ON Friday we went to the computer lab to compare the North and South states during the time of slavery. I found that the South was more populated, had a larger land area and had many more slaves. None of those are that surprising. But I did fond something else interesting. In the North, there were more women than in the South. I think it is because in the North women are looked at as more than just a housewives while women in the South were looked at as having no rights. Thursday: "What's green and has wheels?" "Grass I lied about the wheels" Friday: "What's blue and smells like red paint?" "Blue paint" People usually think my jokes are stupid but I always laugh at them and say they are so funny. It puts me in a good mood for the rest of the day so I don't care what people say.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

11/6/12 &11/7/12

Yesterday we talked about the people who were against slavery and the peopel who were against it. We compared them and found that the people for it were born into a wealthy family and the people against it were born into poverty. Everyone had different ideas of why this was but I think it was because the poor people didn't have slaves and were able to see the wrong in it. The rich people had grown up with them and lived with them doing their work. Their parents were okay with it and everyone around them so they never saw the problem. Today we learned about the cotton demand and the need for slaves. I liked seeing the picture of the first cotton gin because it shows how far our civilization has come. But it also shows just how dependent we were on slaves that nothing like this had come around before. There was even a higher demand for slaves to do the work after the cotton gin instead of less as the inventor thought. My joke yesterday was "What's bloody and has two legs?" "Half a cat". I got my history class to take a break from learning for a second and have a laugh. My joke today was "What'd red and green and goes 100 miles per hour?" "A frog in a blender". People laughed at this joke but they said it was mean. i don't care because it was funny and still makes me laugh even though I've heard it a million times.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

30 Day Challenge

For my 30 day challenge, I will tell a joke every day and make myself and someone laugh. I like to have people laugh because it can brighten peoples day. Laughing can change someones mood. If they are having a bad day, a joke can make them feel better. If someone doesn't laugh at my joke or says it's stupid, I'll just find someone else to tell it to. I won't let their negativity and refusing to be happy make me upset. I want to laugh every day and make someone else laugh as well.

11/3/12 &11/6/12

On Friday we finished up the Lesson on American Revolution. Yesterday, we started our discussion about slavery. Each group was given an article about a black persons experience as a slave. My group was given a document written by a girl slave who spoke about her childhood. She was not treated badly. Her mistress was very kind to her and even began teaching her how to read. It was interesting to see how some slaves were not treated as bad as the idea of being a slave was.