The fisrt item I would pick to represent myself would be a soccer ball because I basically live for soccer. I play 11 months of the year for high school and a club team. I spend most of my time playing and practicing to get better. it is my number one sport. I know all the rules and right ways to play.
I would also pick a plane because traveling is what I love to do. I'm curious about other countries and the way their populations live. I like to compare my life to theirs and imagine being in their shoes. I also like to see all the amazing things in the world that people have built and that nature has done itself. I want to see all the beautiful sceneries out there.
And for a third item I would pick a wave to represent the beach. I live at the beach and I absolutely love it. It is so peaceful to here the waves and just lie in the sun. Going to the beach is an excuse to do nothing all day except read, sleep, play games and swim.
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